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By: T. Lukar, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Professor, Tulane University School of Medicine

Proper staging of the reconstructive procedures is important in planning the treatment program acne natural treatment cordarone 200 mg with amex. Procedures in the upper limbs should be delayed in patients who also need lower limb reconstruction that will necessitate the use of crutches medications similar buspar buy discount cordarone on-line. After hand reconstruction treatment 2nd degree heart block purchase cordarone 100 mg amex, patients should avoid excessive manual labor and awkward hand weight bearing when using crutches treatment quad strain purchase on line cordarone. In deformities of the metacarpophalangeal joint associated with severe wrist involvement, the wrist should be treated first. In the patient with rheumatoid arthritis, tendon repair and synovectomy of tendon sheaths must precede arthroplasty of the metacarpophalangeal joints by 6 to 8 weeks. If both metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints are involved, the metacarpophalangeal joint is usually treated first or simultaneously if only operating on one or two metacarpophalangeal joints. In swan-neck deformity, the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints are reconstructed at the same stage. Implant arthroplasty for both the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints of the same digit is usually avoided if possible. Several procedures can be performed during one operation, depending on the time available. Surgery for the thumb, proximal interphalangeal and distal interphalangeal joints, wrist, and, occasionally, the elbow joint can often be combined. A limb procedure should be limited to no more than 2 hours, and an axillary or supraclavicular block is recommended if the tourniquet time exceeds 1 1 2 hours. Small joints may also be injected with corticosteroids or other agents during surgery. Sagittal fibers of dorsal hood reefed in overlapping fashion on radial side to centralize long extensor tendon and maintain correction. With joint in extension, neither metacarpal nor proximal phalanx should impinge on implant. In the normal hand, a delicate balance exists among the muscles and tendons and the bones and joints through which they interact. The proximal transverse arch crosses the carpal area, with its center at the capitate. The distal transverse arch is formed by the metacarpal heads and is centered on the head of the third metacarpal. The digits make up the longitudinal arches, each with its apex at the metacarpophalangeal joint. The result is capsular distention, destruction of cartilage, subchondral erosions, loosening of ligamentous insertions, impaired tendon function, and, finally, joint disorganization, subluxation, and dislocation. A break in the longitudinal arch system causes collapse deformities of the multiarticular structure of the hand, disturbing the stability and balance necessary for prehension. Use of the hand in daily activities (functional adaptation) causes further deformity. This joint not only flexes and extends but also abducts and adducts; it also has some passive axial rotation. Rheumatoid arthritis commonly involves the metacarpophalangeal joints, resulting in increased ulnar deviation of the fingers, subluxation of extensor tendons, and palmar subluxation of joints (see Plate 4-21). The flexor tendons enter the fibrous sheath at an angle, exerting an ulnar and palmar pull that is resisted in the normal hand. When the rheumatoid process distends and weakens the capsule and ligaments of the metacarpophalangeal joint, the forces generated by the long flexor tendons across the sheath during flexion may elongate these supporting structures. Resistance to the deforming pull of the tendons is gradually lost, and the sheath inlet and tendons are displaced in distal, ulnar, and palmar directions. The intrinsic muscles, which normally form a bridge between the extensor and flexor systems and provide direct flexor power across the metacarpophalangeal joint, can also become deforming elements once the disease has lengthened the restraining structures of the metacarpophalangeal joint. Increased mobility of the fourth and fifth metacarpals, common in rheumatoid arthritis, results from loosening of ligaments at the carpometacarpal joints and dysfunction of the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon (ulnar head syndrome). Grommets (not typically used) in index, long, and ring finger, but not in small finger in place. The extensor tendon expansions (hoods) are loosely fixed and vulnerable to disruption. Ulnar subluxation of the extrinsic extensor tendons compromises the balance of the intrinsic extensor tendons, which in turn increases the tendency for palmar subluxation and ulnar deviation. Factors that exacerbate ulnar deviation include (1) the normal mechanical advantage of the ulnar intrinsic muscles, (2) the asymmetry and ulnar slope of the metacarpal heads of the index and middle fingers, (3) the asymmetry of the collateral ligaments, (4) the ulnar forces applied on pinch and grasp, and (5) the postural forces of gravity. This type of arthroplasty replaces the articular surfaces but is modular without a connecting hinge between components, thus requiring a stable aligned joint. In the normal hand, pinch between the thumb and index finger requires a slight supination of the index finger so that the palmar surfaces can meet. During pinch, pronation deformity is seen in all three digital joints, but it is more pronounced in the metacarpophalangeal joint. Arthroplasty of this joint should include reconstruction of the capsuloligamentous and musculotendinous systems. The surgical technique for implant resection arthroplasty for the metacarpophalangeal joint is shown on Plates 4-26 to 4-28. The ulnar collateral ligament is incised at its phalangeal insertion in all fingers; if severely contracted, it is excised with the palmar ligament (plate). The ulnar intrinsic tendon, if tight, is sectioned at its myotendinous junction and the abductor digiti minimi is released. Reconstruction of the radial collateral ligament is done for index and middle fingers.


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National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care: Clinical Practice Guidelines for quality palliative care, executive summary. Outcome evaluation of a randomized trial of the PhoenixCare intervention: program of case management and coordinated care for the seriously chronically ill. Reduction of hospital utilization in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a disease-specific self-management intervention. A minimal psychological intervention in chronically ill elderly patients with depression: a randomized trial. Self-management education for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Controlled trial of respiratory health worker visiting patients with chronic respiratory disability. Management of skeletal muscle abnormalities starts with their detection in clinical practice. This can be performed relatively easily using maximum voluntary strength and/or endurance testing. Prevention of skeletal muscle dysfunction starts in early disease by maintaining weight-bearing physical activity. Once skeletal muscle dysfunction is present, exercise training is the most effective way towards restoration. Pharmacotherapy is in its infancy and for most pharmacological interventions that may potentially enhance muscle function, it has been shown that they work only (or better) when administered in conjunction with an exercise stimulus. Depending on the action of the drug, such programmes may be geared towards resistance or endurance training. In patients referred for pulmonary rehabilitation, around 70% of patients present with abnormal skeletal muscle strength. Abnormalities have been observed at the level of function (muscle size, muscle strength and endurance), and at microscopic (fibre cross-sectional area and fibre type), bioenergetic, and metabolic and molecular biological levels. Clinically reduced skeletal muscle strength, endurance and fatigability contribute to reduced exercise tolerance, the sensation of fatigue and reduced functional performance. At the basis of these clinical features lie a number of alterations, which include altered quadriceps fibre type proportions, innervations, contractility, vascularisation, metabolism and respiration, and susceptibility to contraction induced damage. It is beyond the scope of the present chapter to comprehensively review all mechanisms potentially associated with S skeletal muscle dysfunction. In these patients, a recent study found that quadriceps weakness was associated with low physical activity levels [2]. In other studies, reduced time spent performing weight-bearing activities was linked to skeletal muscle weakness [3]. These factors are the occurrence of exacerbations of the disease, hypoxaemia, the administration of repeated bursts of corticosteroid therapy, malnutrition and hypogonadism in male patients. Whether systemic inflammation and systemic oxidative stress contribute importantly to the development of skeletal muscle dysfunction is not yet fully elucidated. No studies have been performed in which, for example, the impact of systemic inflammation was investigated while correcting for other confounders, such as physical inactivity. One study suggested oxidative stress as a factor contributing to poor skeletal muscle endurance. In that study, the administration of an antioxidant did enhance skeletal muscle endurance. Knowledge of the factors contributing to the aetiology of skeletal muscle dysfunction in individual patients is important to guide the management. In the prevention of skeletal muscle dysfunction, it is clear that maintaining physical activity levels, including weight-bearing activities, is of key importance. Once patients develop muscle weakness it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to enhance skeletal muscle function without introducing formal, high-intensity muscle stimulation, which is achieved with exercise training. Assessment in clinical practice At the basis of proper management of skeletal muscle weakness lies the assessment of skeletal muscle function. In clinical practice, this is easily done by the assessment of strength and endurance during maximum voluntary manoeuvres. Technical aspects of the assessment of volitional muscle force are reported in detail elsewhere [6]. Since skeletal muscle strength can vary in individual patients from very low to supranormal, techniques to assess skeletal muscle strength need to be able to deal with a large range of force development. The most frequently used techniques are the use of a strain gauge, the use of an isokinetic dynamometer, a hydraulic system or handheld dynamometry. In all cases, it is important to relate the measured values to expected predicted normal values, which vary with age, sex and, for weight-bearing muscles, body weight. As can be appreciated in figure 1a, quadriceps force is poorly related to lung function.

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Theophylline improves gas exchange during rest, exercise, and sleep in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Effects of salmeterol on sleeping oxygen saturation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The overlap syndrome: obstructive sleep apnea and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease: an American Heart Association/ American College of Cardiology foundation scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council for High Blood Pressure Research Professional Education Committee, Council on Clinical Cardiology, Stroke Council, and Council on Cardiovascular Nursing in collaboration with the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute National Center on Sleep Disorders Research (National Institutes of Health). Systemic inflammation: a key factor in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular complications in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome Sleep apnoea as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease: current evidence, basic mechanisms and research priorities. Association of sleep-disordered breathing, sleep apnea, and hypertension in a large community-based study. Prospective study of the association between sleep-disordered breathing and hypertension. Increased incidence of coronary artery disease in sleep apnoea: a long-term followup. Prospective study of obstructive sleep apnea and incident coronary heart disease and heart failure. Seventh report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. Nocturnal oxygen desaturation correlates with the severity of coronary atherosclerosis in coronary artery disease. Respiratory disturbance index: an independent predictor of mortality in coronary artery disease. Cardiovascular morbidity in obstructive sleep apnea: Oxidative stress, inflammation, and much more. Selective activation of inflammatory pathways by intermittent hypoxia in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Therapeutic hypercapnia reduces pulmonary and systemic injury following in vivo lung reperfusion. Outcomes in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and obstructive sleep apnea: the overlap syndrome. Numerous theoretical models have been proposed to explain this relationship, with most suggesting bidirectional and complex pathways. Appropriate use of mental health screening tools, diagnostic resources and referral pathways should be implemented for optimal management. Patients with bipolar disorders cycle between depressive and manic episodes, while those with unipolar depression never present with mania or hypomania. Depression can range in severity from short-term episodes and mild symptoms through to severe long-term clinical depression. Generalised anxiety disorder is characterised by at least 6 months of persistent and excessive anxiety and worry (table 1). Panic disorder is characterised by recurrent unexpected panic attacks about which there is persistent concern and may occur with or without agoraphobia. Social phobias are characterised by clinically significant anxiety provoked by exposure to certain types of social or performance situations, often leading to avoidance behaviour. Severity of anxiety, as with depression, is determined by both the number and the level of symptoms, as well as the degree of functional impairment [6]. The clinical course of depression and anxiety disorders is acknowledged to be variable and people can move in and out of diagnostic subtypes over time [8]. Meta-analysis has also been used to provide an estimate of depression pooled across studies. The subjects in the included studies were mostly from outpatient or inpatient settings and provided an indication of the prevalence of depression likely to be found in a respiratory clinic. Estimates for the prevalence of anxiety are also available from systematic reviews and metaanalysis. One systematic review reported the prevalence of anxiety from 19 studies as ranging from 10% up to 100% [12]. Studies that have used standard diagnostic procedures have found prevalence 145 P. Prevalence of panic attacks ranged between 8% and 37%, which is several times higher than found in the general population [17].


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